Why smash the British National Party (BNP) off the streets? Yes, the BNP are repulsive, ignorant and racist, however, any anti-fascist can look and sound radical when making threats; but are these people really as militant as they would want us to believe - or are they just “life-style activists”? In addition, for example, those people who refer to themselves as “Anarchists” usually attack the politics of communists with sectarian obscurantism; they patronise asylum seekers by saying they are being ‘controlled by communists’ or that working-class people won‘t understand economic arguments because they will be ‘too complex’ for them, if this is not enough they then apply cliched labels such as “TROT“ (Trotskyist), “STALINIST” or one of my personal favourites, “TROTSKY-STALINIST” (a contradictions if ever there was one), regardless of whether the person having the label applied to them is a Marxists-Lenninist, Maoist etc. This is pure sectarianism; revolutionaries should be able to unite around anti-racism instead of refusing to cooperate.
I’m not saying that all people that want to confront the police and fascists with violence, don’t but instead blame others for not carrying the fight - but I think that some do - discipline is of the essence on demo’s when confronting fascists and the police - both of whom are capable of carrying out murderous acts of brutality. There are sometimes many vulnerable people who are showing great braveness in simply attending a demo‘, sometimes with small children - who will the racist and anti-working-class police protect - anti-racist campaigners or fascists?
Yes, the BNP are repulsive - they are disgusting - and although many of their 'foot soldiers' are probably working-class, they support a BNP who's leader is a public school educated upper-middle-class fliberygibbet who's policies are often anti-working-class; not surprising then that when elected to council, BNP councillors are more often than not, simple impotent hucksters.
However, if certain people feel so strongly about “bashing the fash” - then they should do so instead of snarling back at the fascists from a safe distance and then blaming those that do not want to - for not doing so! As already pointed out, what do people who want to recklessly engage in violence think that the police will do? Protect anti-racist campaigners caught up in violence on an anti-racist demo’ or protect the fascists? The Police are there to protect fascists; the police are murderers, the police are racists and above all, the police are anti-working class, they have also always been used to beat down the working-class of this country, working-class immigrants and asylum seekers.
Wanting to punch people in the face but failing in doing so and then blaming others for not engaging in violence, then attacking a sound political analysis whilst having nothing to offer but empty rhetoric reeks of 3rd rate rabble rousing. It might be worth asking the “bash the fash" life-style anarcho mob what work in the council estates have they done? What community centres have they visited? What analysis of Labour Party domestic and foreign policy have they developed? Are they digging down deep within the working-class to try and organise fight backs and build a working-class movement? The answers to those questions will probably be “no” and if they answer “yes” then as I mentioned earlier - as progressive people they should be forging links and engaging with each other, not sniping and refusing to engage - that is not progressive - it is reactionary.
Let us be clear, it is not the BNP that are waging imperialist wars in order to plunder loot from beneath the soil of other peoples countries, increasing police powers at home, waging war on the working-class both here and internationally, cheating the tax payer through claiming expenses (the real benefit cheats), attacking asylum seekers, refugees and economic migrants with racist, deeply oppressive laws supported by cheer leader lackeys in the media who spread myth after lie after myth. I’m quite certain that Communists and Anarchists could at the very least agree on those points.
The threat to a working-class, anti-imperialist movement is more pervasive than that, though. Always be aware of Socialists who claim to be revolutionary yet prefer to protect alliances with Labour-left MP’s and Labour affiliated Unions; opportunists are a different political beast.
It is important to arm ourselves with an analysis of the Labour party, their upper working-class and lower middle-class supporters in the unions and assorted opportunist groupings on the so-called revolutionary English left in the SWP, AWL, SP, WP et al who have the temerity to call themselves socialists. These collaborators cooperate with the police in protecting fascists and then applaud the police for 'protecting them' and making a demo’ 'a safe demo'!
Pointing out these contradictions and also highlighting the grotesque hypocrisy of silver tongued Labour-Left ‘ex-communist’ MP’s that care more about protecting their own narrow class privileges and hijacking potentially revolutionary anti-imperialist movements with their SWP/AWL et al allies who endevour to protect their alliances on the Labour left is something that needs to confronted.
One of many ways of doing this is through confidently and boldly in projecting your message: dialogue, slogans, chanting, heckling, distributing literature and engaging with people - and it can work. It is possible to spoil a nice sunny stroll in the town for a bunch of Middle-Class finger waggers that want to wave their placards at the fash for 30 mins and then go home, feeling content that they'd shown those nasty Working-Class fascists that they just won't put up with it and this jolly well just won't do! - Before voting Labour in the next local elections or general elections - and that's what a lot of opportunist SWP/Union/Labour organised events are about; canvassing votes for a thoroughly racist party that is attacking immigrants and asylum seekers and Muslims in ways that probably has most fascists cheering about.
Of course, while opportunists on the Labour left are still members of that party or their Labour allies call for tactical votes for Labour, they play in to the hands of the fascist BNP that tell the white working-class that Labour has deserted them in favour of the middle-class and or asylum seekers, refugees and economic migrants. While opportunists spin the old/new labour myth they fail to point out Labours historic role in protecting British imperialism and it's opportunistic role within the working-class; dividing the British working class with the international working class by simultaneously waging war on lower working-class people in this country and those abroad. I make these points again because they are so important to grasp - The Labour Party is a thoroughly racist party and it is they, not the BNP that are waging war on asylum seekers, refugees and economic migrants.
With lies and myths constantly perpetuated by racist gutter snipe middle-class journalism at the behest of the blaggard Labour politicians they choose to support, a division can be created between working class people in Britain and the working-class internationally - which is precisely what these ruling classes want; they do not want a politically aware and unified working-class opposition to their thievery, profiteering and plunderous looting of the very countries from which many asylum seekers are attempting to escape. I see people who have started to support the BNP as a symptom rather than a cause of this.
That is why making the connection between racism abroad and racism in this country is important. It is right to make the link between attacks on Muslim people in oil rich lands with racism against Muslims in Britain - indeed all asylum seekers’ just like it was correct to make the link between South African Apartheid racism and attacks against black people in Britain in the 1970‘s and 1980‘s; or attacks on the catholic Irish nationalist community in the North of Ireland and the hounding of Irish people in England in the 1970’s and 1980’s - we must also do the same with Apartheid Israel and attacks on Muslims in Britain today.
Exposing the Labour party for it's historical reactionary role within the working-class and the role of opportunism, as well as capitalism, imperialism and Zionism is what we need to focus on. As already mentioned, this offends opportunists who consider themselves anti-racist but still spin illusion about old and new Labour - to which the response should be that it is ridiculous for anyone to think that its is totally inappropriate to be exposing the Labour Party and its support for capitalism, imperialism, Zionism, Israeli apartheid and racism at an anti-racist demonstration or meeting etc. Labour lefts and their union affiliated sympathisers some of whom are members in the Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Party, Alliance for Workers Liberty or who are just tut-tut cluck-clucking middle-class liberals have as I've said, seemed very upset at this exposure and have made every effort short of physical violence to shut down and drown out this kind of analysis in the past, such is their politics.
I often tend to focus on the role of the capitalist media because it is capitalist and because it is racist and because the BNP and other racists tend to regurgitate simplistic cat-sat-on-the-mat repetitions of just about every reactionary scapegoating, scare mongering swirling cesspool sewer of malcontent insanity that has ever dribbled from a journalistic pen, to a page and then my lap.
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